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Grants and Sponsored Programs

Department of Labor Apprenticeship Building America 2 (ABA2) Grant. 新彩开奖 will operate as the consortium lead for a $3.99 million grant collaboration with Central Methodist University, East Central College, Mineral Area College, and Three Rivers College in apprenticeship pathways for Advanced Manufacturing, Nursing, and Teacher Education over the next four years. Principal Investigator: Dr. Kenny Wilson, Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Josephine Kershaw

National Science Foundation (NSF) Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) Grant. In September, the National Science Foundation (NSF) sent official notification of the award of the 3-year $400,000 EPIIC grant. This will provide for the implementation of a new grants management system, business and industry leadership teams, and faculty professional development to strengthen the College鈥檚 capacity to pursue future grants. Principal Investigator: Dr. Josephine Kershaw, Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Kenny Wilson, Dr. Bob Brazzle, and Lora Warner

NSF Project Vision Grant.  A $6,000 grant to provide support and mentorship for faculty, leading to the submission of a future NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant application. Project Vision mentorship and the Working Partners Workshops below aim to build grants capacity. Principal Investigator: Dr. Josephine Kershaw, Co-Principal Investigators: Matt West, Steve Kershaw, Dr. Bob Brazzle

NSF Working Partners Workshop. An NSF mentoring cohort opportunity to help identify, assess, and plan for successful industry-education partnerships  Team Members: Dr. Josephine Kershaw and Lora Warner 

NSF Use-Inspired Research Grant. A travel grant for a collaborative multi-state institutional working group called the Transforming Education through Community- Responsive Use-inspired Learning Experiences for Scientific Advancement (Community-RULES Advancement) to facilitate a conference track for K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) educators at the 2024 Science Coach Academy at Truman State University.

Missouri Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Project. Submitted in response to a solicitation for ideas for a federal grant proposal to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for potential funding to install electric vehicle level II charging stations at both the Hillsboro and Arnold campuses.

Rural Community College Bachelor鈥檚 (CCB) Learning Community. Spanning a 6-month period, this was the first CCB learning community for rural-serving colleges sponsored by New America Education Policy Program which included a $3,000 honorarium for participating in the program. 

Other Grant Collaborations. 新彩开奖 collaborated with other Missouri community colleges on the joint submissions of an NSF Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT) grant and a Department of Education Postsecondary Student Success grant.

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