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вʿª½± Project Success
Student Center Room 217
1000 Viking Drive
Hillsboro, MO 63050

Phone: 636.481.3281
TTY users dial 711
Email: mysuccess@jeffco.edu

Nathan Bright

Student Center Room 219
Phone: 636.481.3282
Email: nbright@jeffco.edu

I’m Nathan and I serve as the Director of Project SUCCESS at вʿª½±. Like any life story, my path here has taken many unexpected turns (probably a lot like your life), but it’s all been interesting and meaningful. I grew up in Ste. Genevieve – home of strong work ethics, a lime factory, and cows. So many cows. After graduating Ste. Gen. R-II, I went straight to SEMO in Cape Girardeau for college. I went, but had no clue what to do. I bounced majors from psychology to radio, to advertising, and then communications. Looking back, I wish I would have found their Trio program to help guide me! I then graduated, clueless, and moved to Colorado to find my adventure.

Dirt poor and clueless are great for a while, but real life starts hitting fast. After a year of mountain fun I returned home to SEMO, this time working in Residence Life. It was an amazing experience where I discovered my love for helping college students. I slowly began piecing together a career that I had a passion for and even went out on a limb to get my master’s degree in public administration. I then moved to Festus and returned to Ste. Genevieve (and its cows) as an administrator at the Ste. Gen. County Community Center.

After the birth of our first daughter my wife and I made a big decision. I opted to leave my career to become a stay-at-home dad. It was an amazing experience. However rewarding it is, not working for fourteen years is a scary thing. Finally, after deciding it was time, I applied for my current job at the phenomenal вʿª½±. And I love it. Why divulge so much personal info? Because I’m guessing your life has taken odd turns like mine, and sometimes the obstacles are heartbreaking. I can certainly relate. But I wholeheartedly believe that with hard work and a helping hand, you can maneuver your way through. Furthering your education is a great place to start. We have the best team ever assembled in Project SUCCESS. We’ve been through the trenches, so let us help you navigate toward your own success story.

Laura McCloskey
Laura McCloskey
Student Support Coordinator

Student Center Room 213
Phone: 636.481.3283
Email: lmcclosk@jeffco.edu

Hello and welcome to вʿª½±. My name is Laura and I have worked at вʿª½± for nearly 20 years in the office of Student Support Services – Project SUCCESS. I have a Master of Arts in Communication and a number of postgraduate hours in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. My undergraduate degrees are in Psychology and Communication. In addition to my role as the Student Support Coordinator in Project SUCCESS, I have taught Public Speaking, Fundamentals of Communication, Introduction to College, and Community Exploration.

I absolutely LOVED being in college and the opportunity it gave me to learn about the world, other people, and to explore interests. Like students in our program, I was a first-generation college student and spent much of my time figuring out how college worked. There were some challenging moments as I tried to find where to go for services or what questions I needed to ask. Looking back on my experience, I wish I had participated in a program like Project SUCCESS.

My goal for our students is to highlight how enriching college is and to help them navigate the path from their first day to graduation and transferring on to a four-year institution. If you are interested in learning more about Project SUCCESS and how we can ease the transition from high school, or returning after a long break, to earning a bachelor’s degree, you can reach me at lmcclosk@jeffco.edu.

Torri Thomas
Academic Skills Coordinator

Student Center Room 215
Phone: 636.481.3284
Email: tthoma15@jeffco.edu

Hi, I’m Torri! I am the Academic Skills Coordinator here in Project SUCCESS. My duties include assistance in course selections, resource knowledge, transfer assistance, financial literacy, and leading Team TRIO! I was born and raised right here in Jefferson County and attended DeSoto High School. After graduating high school, I started my journey here at вʿª½± where I earned my degree of an Associate of Applied Science in Business Management. After a couple years had passed, I continued my education and earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Studies from Missouri Baptist University. Along with that, I have recently decided to further my education through Missouri Baptist University to obtain my Master’s Degree in Higher Education Leadership.

I was actually a first-generation college student myself, but I am here to tell you- if you can dream it, you can do it! The journey of taking on a new adventure can be both exciting and frightening, but I am here to help you through the process! Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions! You can send me an email at tthoma15@jeffco.edu or call me at 636-481-3284. I can’t wait to see you soon!

Vonda Davis
Vonda Davis
Senior Administrative Specialist

Student Center Room 217
Phone: 636.481.3281
Email: vdavis1@jeffco.edu  

Life is an adventure! You never know what lies ahead. At least, I had no idea that as a little girl growing up on a gravel road in Imperial, I would be able to travel on so many paths. My adventure might have started like some of you. My father was a factory worker and my mom stayed at home with us. When I was 10, my dad died suddenly in an accident. Suddenly, our whole world turned upside down. My mom enrolled in вʿª½±, as a first generation student. I have many memories of her crying through Algebra and helping her study for tests. She persisted and finished her AA, then transferred to Missouri Baptist University to complete her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. My sister and I were so proud of her!

Mom’s resilience was an inspiration to me, she always encouraged me to get my degree much earlier in life. Missouri State University is where I first ventured into life on my own. Although I often felt like a small fish in a big pond, I found friends and a faith community giving me much needed support. My junior year an opportunity opened to go overseas, I took a year off school to invest in college students’ lives in Southern Hungary. It was an amazing cross cultural eye-opening experience I have never regretted. Then I returned to finish a Bachelors’ degree in Communications - Electronic Media. 

Since college, life has had many twists and turns, but the adventure never stops. Hills and valleys are natural, but you cannot enjoy the mountaintop view if you do not step out of your comfort zone. We want to journey with you through the college experience. Come by our offices, I’ll be here at the front desk in the Student Center, room 217, waiting to help you get started with Project Success. We understand the extra challenges of first generation students, low-income families, and disabilities.


2060 - STL - вʿª½± - Open House - 5600 - APR 2060 - STL - вʿª½± - Showcase - 5600 - APR