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College Reports

Updated Institutional Data

Student Characteristics (2012-2022)

Institutional FactBooks and Data Resources

Due to restructuring, Institutional Research focused on completing required State and Federal Reporting and support for institutional departments in 2017-18.
FactBook I, Fall 2016
Factbook, Volume I: Student Characteristics, Fall 2016
FactBook II, Spring 2016
FactBook, Volume II: Institutional Characteristics, Spring 2016

FactBook I: Section II, III, V, Fall 2018
FactBook, Volume I: Section II: Student Characteristics, Fall 2018
FactBook, Volume I: Section III: Degree-Seeking Students, Fall 2018
FactBook, Volume I: Section V: Standardized Testing, Fall 2018
(As sections are completed, the FactBook will be updated)

Performance Funding in Missouri

Allocating some state funds to higher education institutions based on performance has a long history in Missouri. Currently, establishes a formula for allocating the majority of funding increases to higher education institutions based on specific performance measures.

Federal IPEDS
IPEDS is the Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid. These data are made available to students and parents through the   college search Web site and to researchers and others through the .

NCCBP--National Community College Benchmark Project

The NCCBP has been collecting community college data since 2004 and offers community colleges one site where their trend data is available. The powerful peer comparison tool lets colleges compare themselves to others on every benchmark. Collecting a large variety of data helps community colleges do a well-rounded analysis of their progress. In 2016, 251 community colleges from across the United States participated in .

  • All Missouri Community Colleges & Peers
    (East Central, Mineral Area, Moberly, STL, St. Charles)

  • All Missouri Community Colleges & Peers
    (East Central, Mineral Area, Moberly, STL, St. Charles)
  • All Missouri Community Colleges & Peers
    (East Central, Mineral Area, Moberly, STL, St. Charles)

  • All Missouri Community Colleges & Peers
    (East Central, Mineral Area, Moberly, STL, St. Charles)

Complete College America (CCA)

Designed to provide a more detailed and nuanced picture of student progression to completion than federal IPEDS data, the metrics are divided into three broad categories: context metrics, outcome metrics, and progress metrics. The picture of student progression to completion is further enhanced by looking at the success of students in a variety of meaningful dis-aggregation categories, such as older students, transfer students, part-time students, students from traditionally underrepresented groups, and students who begin their college careers in remedial courses. ()

Environmental Scanning
A report of relevant data about Missouri, Jefferson County, our competitors and ourself, created to help identify external opportunities and threats.

  • (December, 2015)

Graduating Student Opinion Survey (GSOS)

Each semester, graduating students are asked to tell us about their experiences at 新彩开奖 and rate the faculty, staff and College services. Their responses provide a profile of successful graduates and their perceptions of the institution.



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